Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Child Training Tuesdays- Chore Edition- GIve me your ideas
Monday, June 29, 2009
4th of July Picture!
I said in my Friend Makin' Monday post that I would put up some of my favorite pictures of 4th of July's. This one is a family classic, of my son (the cool blond on the right) and my nephew, hanging out waiting for the fireworks to start!!
Friend Makin' Monday- Fourth of July!
At The Well- Mean Girls
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Photo Contest to win National Geographic for a year!
Here are the two pictures that I am entering for a neat photography contest that can win you a years subscription to National Geographic, and some Energizer batteries. Check out how you can enter this contest here. I'm not sure if I can enter both pictures, but I saw that a couple of other people did, so I thought I'd give it a shot!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
My Favorite Family Pictures of the Week
It was a tough choice this week, about which picture I took that was my favorite. I decided to go with two of them. I like the top picture of my oldest at the park. It kind of reminds me of a senior picture. I also realize that I usually choose pics of the little ones, because they are always doing cute things, but I thought this was a nice pic, of him, and I wanted him to be included. Then, I had to include this pic of Audrey and her cousin Rachel. It's not the most professional looking picture or anything, but it really captures these two girls and their personalities!! They are the same age, and they are really good friends (when they are not bossing each other around that is!).
Cap and Trade- Our senators need to hear our voices on this!
Friday, June 26, 2009
Loving Your Husband Friday- My Hero
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Philippians 4:8 Challenge
Universal Healthcare
Slow Cooker Thursday- Hungarian Goulash
Hungarian Goulash
1 ½-2 lbs of stew meat
1 clove of minced garlic
2 TBS flour
1 tsp. salt
½ tsp. pepper
1 TBS paprika
¼ tsp. dried thyme
1 bay leaf
1 can tomatoes
1 c. sour cream
Place stew meat and garlic in the crock pot. Stir in flour and mix to coat. Add all remaining ingredients except sour cream. Stir well, cover and cook on low for 7 to 10 hours on low or on high for 5-6 hours. Add sour cream about 30 min. before serving and stir in thouroughly. Serve with wide egg noodles, and biscuits and honey and butter.
This is good stuff, and I've been eating it for about as long as I can remember. My mom made it frequently. It is typically more of a fall, winter dish, but it can be enjoyed all year long! This feeds my family of 9, although we typically don't have leftovers like we used to! If you decide to try this, come back and let me know what your family thought of it!
Go here to see more of slow cooker Thursday.... Happy Slow Cooking!
Thousand Words Thursday
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Philippians 4:8 Challenge- Purity
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
In His Word Wednesday-
Child Training Tuesdays- Toddler Edition
I have some thoughts that I will share, but I would love to hear what you all think about training toddlers as well. We practice training with our toddlers. We have training sessions in which, the toddler is set up in a room with something that they shouldn't be touching. We know that they are going to touch it (the tv for example), and we are right there, ready to take the time to train. So, I'm sitting there, and Lily (for example) goes for the tv (for the millioneth time). What we will do, is tell her no (to start off with), and when she goes to touch it anyways, we take her little hand, and just give it a quick little thump, along with the word no. There are no angry words or tones here, no slapping, no yelling, just a quick light thump on the hand. The toddler doesn't really get at first what happened, so she will go ahead and touch again. Again, the thump to the hand. She's realizing slowly that there is something about this word no, that makes it uncomfortable for her to touch the tv. It depends on the stubbornness of the child, but she will get the picture after awhile, and learn not to touch the tv. She is also learning that when she is told the word no, it means that if she goes ahead and does it, there will be a consequence.
Now, two things to keep in mind here. Again, this is a calm, and even cheerful process, if it's done right. Secondly, even very young children need to learn to associate the word no, with physical consequences. As they grow, they will learn that the world comes with physical consequences for not obeying the rules. Some of these consequences are very painful. I don't want my children to have to learn this the hard way. This is one reason why I believe so much in the biblical mandate of spanking. Now, I also believe that there is a wrong and a right way to go about it. But, we are not talking about spanking on these small ones. This is training. You do not want your toddler to grow to think that they can get away with doing what they want. The world will not be so kind to them. You want them to learn boundaries from a young and impressionable age. If they learn the boundaries young, then you can do away with much need for discipline as they get older. Although we believe in spanking, our 11, and 9, and 8 year old children rarely ever have need of one. They were taught when they were very little that there are boundaries and physical consequences. Does this mean they are perfect and never need any form of discipline....no. No training will produce a perfect child, but it will help them learn much more self control, and respect for the rules, than a child who has never been so trained.
These training sessions that I am talking about are about being proactive, not reactive. We as mothers are much more likely to loose our cool with a toddler that we have not trained, because they can often seem very out of control, and it tries our patience. It is much easier to be calm, and give them controlled training sessions when they are small, then to wait until they are a tad older, and you end up snapping at them all the time, because they are continually doing things that they shouldn't. No toddler will be perfect no matter how much training, but believe me, it helps! I know this is true, because we had a foster daughter that we could not do this kind of training with (no physical discipline at all was allowed), and it was often more difficult to handle those toddler issues, when all we could do was seperate her from the situation. I have seen how seperation teaches our children only that they cannot do this thing for a brief amount of time, but they can do it later, once they are back to business. They cannot make the connection. I use seperation (time out) with older children, when I can come in and we can discuss what they did, and why it was not right, and work things out that way. But, for little ones, I haven't found time outs to be at all successful in teaching those children anything.
Most important, is to love, laugh, enjoy your toddler. They need lots of love and attention, and you need to work to keep them safe, but for us, part of keeping them safe in this world, is to effectively train them in boundaries. They need it, and mama's...so do we!
If you have any further thoughts on training toddlers, I would love to hear them. I actually have further thoughts, but I've got myself a toddler, who needs my attention right now, so I will continue this perhaps next week. Please share your thoughts today, either on your blog, and let me know, or here in the comments! Enjoy your toddlers today!!
Today's Challenge- Whatever is Just
Monday, June 22, 2009
Philippians 4:8 challenge Monday- check it out!
I Hear Faces-Adults-Let's hear it for the Boys
I've always wished that Rob wasn't wearing his sunglasses in this picture, but I love the look on Elias' face. They all love sitting up on his shoulders!! He's big strong daddy!
I Heart Faces- Kids- Let's Hear it for the boys
The theme for this week is Let's hear it for the boys! This one was easy for me, as I have 4 boys, and tons of pictures that have my boys in them! I noticed as I was looking at other entries that most of the pictures are action shots. Well, I could have gone that route....but this is my all time favorite picture of my three oldest boys together! This was taken to be a gift for my uncle who was on his death bed with cancer. We took the picture, framed it, and had it sit next to his hospital bed, shortly before he died. I have always loved this picture. I did realize, though, that I don' t have a good picture of all my boys together (this picture was several years before Elias was born)....every pic I have of all four of them, has at least one girl in it too. So, I'll be working on that. Plus, on my Ethan's birthday (he's the little blond), this picture really captures his love for his older brothers!!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Philippians 4:8 Challenge
Saturday Steps of Faith
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Loving Your Husband Friday
Thousand Word Thursday
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Wordless Wednesday
See Kai Run Shoe Giveaway!
In His Word Wednesday- Kindness
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Another Great Giveaway!! I Spy Books
More Pro-Life News
You will often see me discuss pro-life issues on my blog, because the issue is dear to my heart, and I want people to be educated about what is happening in our country. However, if you have a differing opinion, and would like to discuss it in a calm and nonoffensive manner, then feel free to comment, or send me an email. I will be happy to discuss with anyone why I believe so strongly the way that I do about the lives of the unborn. Thanks and God Bless!
Great Giveaway
Monday, June 15, 2009
Child Training Tuesday- Listen In
Friend Making Monday
Thank You!
1. Shannnon at The Peer Review.
2. Sarah at God's not Finished With us Yet.
3. Sweet Serendipity
4. Wendy at On the Front Porch.
5.Genesa at I want to Be like you.
6. Sarah at 8 Muddy Boots.
7. Brenda at The Tie That Binds Us.
So, those are my 7 nominations. It was a hard decision, and I hate to leave anyone out, but I don't want to break the rules.....so I will have to save the other many blogs that I find creative for another day.
Now, I am also supposed to give you 7 things that you might not know about me...
1. My hubby is 7 years older than me.
2. I was a foster parent for a year and a half.
3. My sixth pregnancy ended in a miscarriage.
4. I played the violin for twelve years, and am attempting to pick it up again.
5. My favorite dessert is cheescake!
6. I'm afraid of spiders
7. My hubby and I had only known each other for 3 months when we got engaged.
So, everyone that I nominate needs to nominate 7 people, link to them in your post, thank the person that nominated you, and then leave them a comment telling them that they were nominated. Oh, and don't forget to include in your post, 7 things about yourself, and to copy the award picture into your post!
Thanks again Megan for the nomination, and I look forward to seeing what everyone else has to say about themselves!! What fun!
Sunday, June 14, 2009
I Heart Faces- Adults
This is my entry for this weeks I Heart Faces, adults. This picture was taken at a historical reenactment of the Revolutionary period. The boys especially enjoyed that day, because they demonstrated how to shoot the muskets!
I Heart Faces- Kids
This is one of my favorite pictures of Audrey, that I fixed up with Sepia tone. I love the sweetness of her face in this pic! Check this link out to see more I Heart Faces- Kids.
Small Town Snapshot Sunday- Middlebury, IN
I hope you enjoyed my small town for this week. I know I did, and now I'm hungry! Don't forget to join Wendy, On the Front Porch, for more Small Town snapshots.
Awesome Laundry System Giveaway
Saturday, June 13, 2009
My Favorite Family Picture of the Week
Friday, June 12, 2009
Family Fun Friday
Due to finances, and having to stick close to home to take care of my dad, we haven't been able to get out much or do anything fancy this summer, so we have worked on our own homeade fun. I will post a picture later, but Rob has made a mini baseball diamond in the backyard for the kids. They are loving it, and wanting to play out there all the time now. Sometimes...in fact, I would say, often, the best kind of family fun, is the homeade kind that you create for your own families. Think of ways today that you can create fun for your family. Fun doesn't have to cost money, or be technologically involved. I think my kids appreciate those little homeade fun things that we create for the family, far more than the video games, or the trips to the movies or even the park. Those things are fun, and our family does those things too, but I wonder if they really create the same kind of lasting memories that playing baseball as a family in our own homeade baseball diamond will! What kind of things do you do with your kids for family fun? I'd love to hear about it, even if it isn't homeade. There are lots of ways that we can enjoy our kids and families!
Loving Your Husband Friday
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Cancer organization- Check it out and Pray!
This organization is doing a wonderful service for those who are suffering physically, financially, and spiritually in this awful fight that they are thrust into! Not everyone does so well in this fight as my dad has. I am completely convinced that his doing so well is because he has so many people praying for him. So, check out the site, and take a few moments to pray! Thanks all!
Thousand Words Thursday
This is one of my alltime favorite, picture is worth a thousand words kind of pictures of our kids!! I hope you enjoy it. Please click on the banner above for more Thousand Words Thursdays, or visit Sweet Serendipity, for her link up!
Pro LIfe- Action Needed
I wanted to add this too. Click here to Conservative Mama's sight, to read this disturbing story....and pray!!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Documentary of a Tantrum
Not letting her into the elevator with me....she had to go with Daddy!
This is the first time I told her to stay with me.