At the Well today the discussion is on change. Much like the author of todays post, I struggle with change that I cannot control. Oh, I like to change my hair, or my furniture. I like to change things for myself, or my family. But...I really hate when change is thrust upon me! However, many times in our Christian walk, God, not only wants change in our lives, but He often demands it. He will often allow circumstances of tremendous change in our lives to grow us, and make us more like Him. Some of the changes are scary ( a new job, a new baby, a new house or church), and some are just very sad (losing a friendship or family member, or moving far away). God doesn't ask these things of us just to make us mad, or frustrate us. He does it because He loves us. He knows that learning to deal with change and trust Him through all of it is one of the most important things for our lives.
Monday, August 31, 2009
At the Well- Change and Clinging to God
At the Well today the discussion is on change. Much like the author of todays post, I struggle with change that I cannot control. Oh, I like to change my hair, or my furniture. I like to change things for myself, or my family. But...I really hate when change is thrust upon me! However, many times in our Christian walk, God, not only wants change in our lives, but He often demands it. He will often allow circumstances of tremendous change in our lives to grow us, and make us more like Him. Some of the changes are scary ( a new job, a new baby, a new house or church), and some are just very sad (losing a friendship or family member, or moving far away). God doesn't ask these things of us just to make us mad, or frustrate us. He does it because He loves us. He knows that learning to deal with change and trust Him through all of it is one of the most important things for our lives.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
A Little Frustrated
Any ideas would be wonderful!!
Monday, August 24, 2009
I Heart Faces kids- Nostalgia
This week's theme for I <3>
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Blog Awards
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
In His Word Wednesday- Anxious
Update on My Dad
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Please Pray tomorrow!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
In His Word Wednesday- Walking in The Spirit
Last night I had a lot of trouble getting to sleep. It was around 1:30-2:00 in the morning, before I finally got to sleep. I just had a lot of things on my mind, things of the past and the present.
I find on these nights....God always speaks to me. It's as if He is waiting for it to finally be quiet enough that I will be ready to listen. Anyhow, as I was fretting about things that I cannot change, or fretting about things that I will not be able to change if they happen, I began thinking about my reactions to things that happen in my life. The Bible says that we as Christians are to walk in the Spirit. What exactly does that mean? Well, my interperatation of that is this. Galations 5:22-24, But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness. goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires.
Walking in the Spirit is something that we are always to do, despite the circumstances. The evidence that we are walking in the Spirit lie in these nine attributes, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. God reminded me last night that even when things seem bleak and difficult, I don't have an excuse to walk outside of the Spirit. I don't have the right to be mean to someone, simply because I'm frustrated with the circumstances. I don't have the right to yell at my kids, and be crabby with them, just because I am angry about something that is happening in my life. I still need to exercise joy, and patience, and kindness, gentleness and self-control. It's easy to make excuses, but if we are truly Christians, the call to walk in the Spirit does not change no matter what is going on in our lives. I tend to think too, that it is during these times that these fruits should shine the most. It is these difficulties in life, that help to build these qualities in our lives.
Now, I also recognize that God, in His pure love for us, shows us undying patience and mercy when we fail to walk in the Spirit. He is always working on us, and teaching us. He knows we won't be perfect. He knows that our sinful nature will sometimes get in our way. But....that, my dear friends, does not excuse us. We all know that when the World looks at us...they should be seeing a reflection of Christ. I would add to that also that when our children look at us, they should see a reflection of Christ. Do we walk in the Spirit when we deal with our children, even when we are tired, frustrated, or even angry? God revealed to me last night, that over the course of the last several months, I have not done a very good job of this! I have too often lost my cool, or been impatient, or allowed myself to get angry. Now, by many people's standards, I haven't done anything wrong. I've certainly never been abusive to my kids, or mean to them, or done anything to them that would traumatize them. But, I know, and God knows, that I have not walked in the Spirit with my children the way that I should.
When God was showing me this, and I was repenting...I asked can I walk in your Spirit when somedays I just feel overwhelmed, or frustrated, or even angry at life? He showed me the answer, in His Word... Philippians 4:6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God, and the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Just give it all to me, He says. I felt a little foolish, because I've known this verse practically my whole life, but it really is that simple. When I'm feeling angry about the outcome of something...I need to give it to Him. When I'm feeling sad about something...I need to give it to Him. When I want to see justice...give it to Him. He really is big enough to handle it, and then I don't have to bear the burden. And then, when I've given it to Him, and I've thanked Him for all the many blessings He has given me....that is where the peace comes in. This is the peace that guards my heart, and keeps me walking in the Spirit. If you have peace, you are going to be loving, gentle, kind, joyous, peaceful, faithful, and self-controlled. That is why it is so much easier to walk with these fruits of the Spirit during good times in your life, because you are naturally calm and peaceful during times of blessing. But, when the storms blow, and the waves start crashing in.....we need to reach out to Him. This is the same Jesus who spoke and the storm calmed. How can we be anxious when we have Him walking next to us. It's when we don't reach out, that we sink. Much like take our eyes off of him, even for a second, will cause us to sink!
As tired as I am today, I'm so grateful that God loved me enough to keep me awake last night so that He could remind me of this!
Join me today in asking God to heal my Dad, and our dear friend Lenore. My dad will find out on Friday what the next step will be for him. Lenore continues to have good days and bad days. She is still in the ICU, and has been there for 5 weeks. Also join Megan for more In His Word Wednesday!
Monday, August 10, 2009
"Training Up a Child" - Family Raising
Posted using ShareThis
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Saturday Steps of Faith- God's love
Friday, August 7, 2009
Loving Your Husband Friday- Laughter
It's Friday again...and today was the day for loving our husbands. I spent most of my day at the Right to Life Booth at the fair, and so, again, a late post!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
In His Word Wednesday- Persecution
I apologize for my post being so late has been a busy day!
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Saturday Steps of Faith- From the East to the West
Today I join Lisa for Saturday Steps of Faith. The idea is to focus on the promises of God in our lives.
Family Vision
Family Mission
To Serve Him
Loving each other (kind, edifying, treating each other as most importatntly)
Loving others (volunteering, ministering, evangelizing)
Educated (knowledgable and critical)
Exhibiting Christian conduct In life
Study and meditate on the Word of God daily, both individually, and corporately.
Educate our children in the ways of God and in
The Mission of the Babler family is as follows:
1) Authority:
Love God with all our heart
Prayer and Bible study
Live within the Biblical structure of the family
2) Relationships:
Love one another
Serve one another
Encourage one another
Serve others
3) Possessions:
4) Work:
Take initiative
Take responsibility
5) Attitudes
Humble – thinking of others before ourselves (actions – even what we wear,
6) Choices
Do right
Ask before acting
Exercise self-control
Tell the truth
Again, I highly recommend sitting down together and thinking about what your goals and "visions" are for your family. This will help you when you have even minor decisions to make about your family. Does it fit into your plan for your family, or will it detract? Will it help to facilitate your vision, or bring you farther away from it. I've always liked the saying..."if you aim at nothing, your bound to hit it." In these days, we need to be clear about what we seek to accomplish for God with our families. We cannot afford to aim at nothing! I hope this will somehow help someone pin down what their family vision is.
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- At the Well- Change and Clinging to God
- A Little Frustrated
- I Heart Faces kids- Nostalgia
- Blog Awards
- In His Word Wednesday- Anxious
- Update on My Dad
- Please Pray tomorrow!
- In His Word Wednesday- Walking in The Spirit
- "Training Up a Child" - Family Raising
- Saturday Steps of Faith- God's love
- Loving Your Husband Friday- Laughter
- In His Word Wednesday- Persecution
- Saturday Steps of Faith- From the East to the West
- Family Vision