Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Update on My Dad

Hi everyone. I wanted to give everybody who has been praying for my dad an update. For anyone who doesn't know the situation with dad read here to hear the whole story.

Last week Dad's oncologist told him that the CAT scan that he took showed some shrinking in the cancer, and no spread, so that they were going to proceed to operate again to try to take the cancer out. Well, yesterday I took dad to meet with the surgeon, who had attempted his surgery the first time. What the surgeon said was a bit different than what the oncologist said. He said that he will not attempt to do the surgery again. He said that attempting this surgery a second time, especially after weeks of radiation is extremely complicated. He wants dad to have another endoscopy, to get a better picture of the area, and then he is going to send dad's pictures down to a surgeon in Indianapolis, to see if he will attempt the surgery. He did not sound terribly convinced that it was going to be possible.

So, that is where things stand right now. If dad is going to go to Indy, it will be (hopefully) next week. The oncologist said that for this surgery to be possible, it had to be done within 6 weeks of the end of radiation, which will be next week. Obviously, the surgery being done in Indianapolis, during the time when Rob will be going back to work, and my kids need to start schooling again, is a logistical nightmare for our family. Indianapolis is 3 1/2 hours away from us.
Please pray that Dad will be able to have this surgery in Indy, and that the pieces will fall into place for me to be able to stay down there with least for most of the time. Thanks to everyone who has been praying for my dad already!


  1. How disappointing. We'll be praying that everything works out perfectly, that he can have the surgery, and the surgeon gets all the cancer!

  2. Praying here in Oklahoma, for positive outcomes and peace.

  3. praying everything works out and for your peace

  4. Your family will be in my prayers as well.
