Saturday, July 4, 2009

Saturday Steps of Faith- God's love and Presence!

Saturday Steps of Faith is when Lisa reminds us to think about God's promises in our lives! Please go to Passionate Pursuit to see more! You will be blessed.

I was thinking this morning about a truth that has become so evident in my life in recent times. God promises that He will never leave us or forsake us. Hebrews 13:5

What does this mean exactly? Does it really mean never? When you think about this, it is astounding. Never is a word that we might throw around a lot. We say things like "I will never do that again?", and my kids are famous for saying...."I'll NEVER get to......" What does it mean when we say never? It usually means for awhile. When we say never, it is likely not never, but for a time. But, when God says never, He means for all eternity, with no end. Think of that....God will not leave us or forsake us for ALL eternity. This is truly never!
If we beleive in Him, He won't leave us for anything EVER! Romans 8:38 tells us that "Neither death, nor life, neither angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor things to come, nor any other created thing, will be able to seperate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

I think that about covers anything that could possibly take God's love away from us. That is two different times that God assures us that He will always be there, and He will always love us. What a wonderful promise He gives us that we can cling to in difficult times, not only in our personal lives, but with things going on in the world as a whole. God sees and knows all, and He will follow His believers into the depths, and still love us, no matter what the world, or our government throws at us! Praise God for his love, and that He will never leave us, or forsake us!!


  1. What a great and encouraging promise. Thank you so much for sharing. You've given me much to ponder over. :)

  2. Precious promises worth clinging to! Thanks for taking the time to dialogue.
