Thursday, July 23, 2009

Thousand Words Thursday

I like to go back to the oldies for the Thousand Word Thursdays, because between here and Facebook, I usually share my newer pictures with everyone. The other day as I was looking for a different picture...I came across this picture...I had almost forgotten how little our Lily was.
This was our Lillian when she was born...five weeks early. She was 5 pounds and 1 ounce. The one on the left is Audrey's baby doll!
She looked so much like a doll when she was a baby. My mom used to call her my "little dolly"
Here she is today.....a bigger little girl. She will be two in early October...hard to imagine. She's still rather small and petite! But, there's nothing small or petite about her personality!!
Join Cheaper Than Therapy for more Thousand Words Thursday


  1. Size doesn't matter. I bet she has a big heart! (To go with that big personality ;-> )

  2. Oh she is so so sweet! Petite is good and good things come in small packages remember!
    Love Collette xxx
    thank you for following my blog xx
