Here in Michigan, it is a beautiful Sunday morning! I am sadly missing church today, as my poor little Elias has a fever, and is feeling pretty lousy. Ethan is also not feeling well, and the baby girls are home to not be a burden to the nursery workers!! It was a rough night last night for Rob and I. Elias' fever went quite high (almost 104), and on top of that, Janie was up in the middle of the night. She wanted to eat again, even though she had seemed done at her bottle before bed. Audrey was up and in the bed with me at one point, and was kicking a lot in her sleep! Sigh........I am reminded now of my previous post on rejoicing. I can look at my kids and think about how they keep me up at night, and I wish they would just grow up and leave me alone, or.....I can remember that my children are a blessing, and that they will soon be grown, and won't need their mommy anymore. Wow, that's a sad thought! So, I must choose to be gentle with my kids even in the middle of the night when I am dying to sleep!!
In other news: Our little seedlings are popping up like crazy. I am getting excited about planting them in the garden, and having lots of yummy veggies to enjoy! I will post some new pictures of our seedlings when I can get them put on my computer. Also, my rhododendrons are in full bloom right now, and I'm loving it!! They are so beautiful, and they smell so good. So, even though I am missing church this morning, and I'm really tired, it is still a beautiful day.
Ethan is excited too today, as his new Math curriculum came in the mail yesterday. children get excited about new Math curriculum. Yea for Teaching kids love it!! They even ask to do Math on Saturdays. You gotta love that. We are also eagerly anticipating this last week of school, and then daddy will be home for the summer. Only four more days! More later.......have a blessed Sunday!! This is the day that the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it!