Thursday, May 21, 2009


Today is a new day. Owen is reflecting this morning on the fact that his birthday has now already come and gone. But, I reminded him that every day comes with it own special blessings. This morning when I got up, I looked at our little containers that we started our seedlings in, and realized that some of them are begining to sprout.

Psalm 118:24 says....This is the day the Lord has made: We will rejoice and be glad in it. (NKJV)

This is a verse that most Christians know, but how often do we apply it to our lives? As I get up this morning, and realize how busy today will be, and how I will be spending another day taking my dad to his cancer treatments, I'm pondering this verse. Should Owen not be glad now that his birthday has come and gone....or should I be unhappy because I can't be home today to get my own things done? Well, it would be easy to do. But I am reminded by God's word that He made this day especially for us. He doesn't say to only be glad if things are going your way. It merely says rejoice. Let's all propose to do this today! Like these seeds that God is allowing to grow, we need to reach upwards and look to Him. He will give us the gladness that we need in the midst of circumstances that we would not choose for ourselves.

We can certainly rejoice in the weather for the last couple of days. The kids went for their first swim yesterday at Rob's parents while I was taking dad to chemo. Unfortunately, my poor Lily is under the weather, so she couldn't enjoy it, but there will be many swimming days to come. Our baby, Donna Jane, or Janie as we usually call her, is learning to love the outdoors on these nice days. Being a January baby, this idea of being outside in the warmth is all new and exciting to her.

We are counting down now, 8 days, until Daddy is home for the summer! But, for now, this is the day the Lord made (for us!), and we will propose to rejoice and be glad in it!

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